Two students attending the American University of Beirut (AUB) have been awarded scholarships by the MBI Al Jaber Foundation enabling them to continue with their studies. Naji El Beyrouthy and Waddah Malaeb are studying for Masters degrees in Irrigation and Mechanical Engineering respectively.
Naji’s first degree was a BSc in Agriculture and he has chosen to stay within his field of study but extend his knowledge by taking an MSc in Irrigation. Waddah, instead, is particularly keen on connecting his field of expertise (Mechanical Engineering) with bio-medical research. He has, in fact, participated in several projects aimed at implementing technologies that have been used in the treatment of cancer.
It is exciting to learn that young people from the MENA region, such as Naji and Waddah, are involved in such important areas of study and are working hard to accomplish results that will hopefully offer benefits to many.
Supporting students like Naji and Waddah is in keeping with Sheikh Mohamed Bin Issa Al Jaber’s support for education in the MENA region. The MBI Al Jaber Foundation has been awarding scholarships to Arab residents of the Middle East and North Africa for several decades, enabling them to attend renowned universities. What unites these students is a desire to make a real difference – not only for themselves but also for their community, country or region.