From: Egypt
Graduated: 2003
University: SOAS
Course: MA Linguistics (Translation Theory)
Antar graduated from SOAS in 2003 with an MA in Linguistics and now has a PhD in Education (Course Design & Language Teaching Methods). Antar believes that being awarded the MBI Al Jaber Foundation Scholarship and studying at SOAS was a landmark in his academic life, and opened up new horizons for his understanding of the relationship between the West and the Arab world.
Antar is working as an Associate Professor of Foreign Language Pedagogy at the College of Education, Taibeh University, in Saudi Arabia. Previously he worked as an Assistant Lecturer at Qena Faculty of Education, South Valley University, Egypt, teaching TEFL, Curriculum Analysis, Translation and Statistics. He was also a Professional & Organisational Advisor in a multi-national project funded by USAID (for developing the quality of education in Egypt).
CV: Read Antar's CV here
Published Works:
" What Every novice translator needs to know" . Translation Journal online. July 2002.
· "The Translator's Dilemma- implicatures and the role of the translator". Translation Journal online. April 2004.
· " The Problem of translating English Linguistic terminology into Arabic" paper presented at Cambridge first postgraduate conference on Linguistics CAMLING, University of Cambridge March 2003.
· “English Majors’ errors in translating Arabic Endophora; Analysis and Remedy” paper presented to the international journal of Applied Linguistics.
· Book review in Arabic "Al-Burda". Available: www.arabicwata.org/Arabic/our_library/about_abook/2004/march/article4.html
· A study in Arabic "ma la yasa' al mutarjima jahluhu ما لا يسع المترجم جهله 'an Arabic translation of the first article in this list, www.arabicwata.org/arabic/the_wata_library/research_papers_and_studies/deleted/2004xx/february/research1/html
· Novice translators' Guide. A3 book . Cairo: Dar Al Ketab Al Hadith publishing company. 2005.
· SPEER (Spotlights on Primary English Education Resources). Washington: Academy for Educational Development (AED). 2002.
· “Teaching creative writing to gifted students”, with Ashraf Ali (2008). Writing in EFL, Research , Pedagogy and Practice. TESOL Arabia.
· “Using workshops to develop writing skills”, with Mohammad Alsayed (2008). Writing in EFL, Research, Pedagogy and Practice. TESOL Arabia.
· “Can Intra-lingual subtitling faciliatate English Majors’ listening comprehension of literary texts”. Qena Faculty of Education Journal. Vol 11, Non 1. (2008).
· “Promoting Active Learning Pedagogies in Egypt”. With Mark Ginsburg, Nagwa Megahed, and Ayman Zohry (2008). Comparative Education, Teacher Training, Education Policy and Social Inclusion. Vol 6. Bureau for Educational Services
· “Developing a process-based translation test for evaluating English - Arabic basic translation skills”. CDELT (Centre for Developing English Language Teaching ) 32ndConference 2007. Cairo:Ain Shams University.
· “EFL prospective teachers as prospective translators”. Qena Faculty of Education 4th Int'l Conference 2007.
· “A Proposed view for a Postgraduate Programme for Preparing TAFL Teachers”. Qena Faculty of Education 3rd Int'l Conference 2005
· A study in Arabic «the role of translation in developing achievement in TAFL programes”. Damsucs 2nd int’l conference on TAFL 2005.
· “Al-Manfaluti preceded Chomsky in discovering the innateness hypothesis”. Assuit University International Conference on the Impact of Al Manfaluti on Arabic literature 2008.
· “Can intralingual subtitling enhance English majors’ listening comprehension of literary texts?”. Journal of Qena faculty of Education. 2008
· “Eye vs. text movement; which technique enhances fatser reading comprehension?”. CDELT Occasional Papers, 2009.
· “Translation and Controversial Educational terminology” Al Qaqeeq journal. Al Madinah literary Club, 2011.
· “Translation and EFL teacher Education” Paper presented at the int’l conference on translation and Arabization. Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud University. Riyahd, 2010.
Published Books:
· Antar Abdellah. (2005). Novice translators' Guide. Cairo: Dar Al Kitab Al Hadith publishing company.
· Antar Abdellah (Co-author)(2002). SPEER (Spotlights on Primary English Education Resources). Washington: Academy for Educational Development (AED).
· Antar Abdellah. (2010). Pedagogies of Translation. Berlin: VDM publications
· Antar Abdellah. (2010). Translations of near synonyms in the Quran. Berlin: VDM publications
· Antar Abdellah. (2010). Perspectives on teaching and researching translation. Berlin: VDM publications
· Antar Abdellah. (2010). Perspectives on TEFL, TAFL and linguistics. Berlin: VDM publications
· Antar Abdellah. (2010). English Literature made easy: Hamlet. Berlin: VDM publications
· Antar Abdellah. (2010). English Literature made easy: King Lear. Berlin: VDM publications
· Antar Abdellah. (2010). English Literature made easy: Macbeth. Berlin: VDM publications
· Antar Abdellah. (2010). English Literature made easy: Dr. Faustus. Berlin: VDM publications
· Antar Abdellah. (2010). English Literature made easy: The Glass Menagerie and Other Plays. Berlin: VDM publications
· Antar Abdellah. (2011). Novice Translators’ Guide. 2nd edition. Berlin: VDM publications
· Antar Abdellah. (2011). Novice Translators’ Guide. Teacher’s Book. Berlin: VDM publications
· Antar Abdellah. (2010). Basic Translation Skills. Berlin: VDM publications
· Antar Abdellah. (2011). Basic Reading Skills. Berlin: VDM publications