Tarek Younis, MBI Al Jaber Foundation Alumnus, is an ethnomusicologist and a freelance pianist and composer. He is also the Head of Music at the Haya Cultural Center of Amman, Jordan. His music is performed around the globe receiving excellent reviews. He recently established the Amman Music Society which aims at presenting the best Jordanian musicians to an appreciative audience by holding privately hosted recitals to paying society members.
As stated above, his compositions are much appreciated worldwide and will soon be played at two concerts in England – in Salisbury (16th February 2018) and Brighton (17th February 2018) – by two Palestinian students from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland in support of Palmusic UK. The profits of the events will allow these two young talents, Omar and Tibah Saad, proceed with their training, thanks to the fundraising of Palmusic UK. They have decided to play both Western Classical and Middle Eastern music and chose Tarek’s pieces to best represent the latter. The MBI Al Jaber Foundation is proud to have supported Tarek Younis’ studies and that he himself is now supporting other young students with his work.
Tarek Younis began his professional training in Composition in 1994 at Trinity College of Music, London. He graduated with honours in 1999 at the top of his department, for which he received the TCM Trust Silver Medal for Composition. In 2001, he was awarded an MBI Scholarship to pursue an MA in Ethnomusicology of the Near and Middle East at SOAS, University of London. After completing his MA, Tarek returned to Amman to pursue a multi-faceted career in education, ethnic music documentation and research, composition and piano performance.
Visit Tarek’s Official Website: http://www.tarekyounis.com/Tarek_Younis/Tarek_Younis_Official_Page.html
And follow him on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tigredeamman