Dr Ibrahim Natil teaches politics and business studies at the Centre for Talented Youth Ireland, Dublin City University. He is an international development consultant, is the founder of the Society Voice Foundation in Palestine and has worked for many international organisations, such as the UNDP, and has also contributed to a World Bank project. He has launched and managed more than 56 human rights organisations that deal with women’s empowerment, peace building and good governance in Palestine.
Dr Natil's paper, “International NGOs: Women’s Engagement in Community Peacebuilding and Development”, discusses the approach of International NGOs to women’s engagement in community peacebuilding, specifically in Libya and the Palestinian Occupied Territories. In both these regions, women have been subjected to violence and remain, to this day, the most marginalised group facing domestic and political abuse, which constitutes a serious threat to both their civic engagement and community participation. The paper also examines the relationship between International NGOs and female leaders of NGOs, who are committed to eradicating domestic violence. In writing this paper, Dr Natil used his own professional experience of leading civil society and peacebuilding activities.
The Development Studies Association, Ireland (DSA Ireland) established the Robert Chambers Award to celebrate the contribution of Professor Robert Chambers to innovation and research in the field of Development Studies. This award is bestowed upon the author of the most innovative paper presented at the annual DSA Ireland Conference, which has its focus on empowering the world’s underprivileged categories (https://www.dsaireland.org/node/142)
Ibrahim Natil was awarded an MBI Al Jaber Scholarship in 2001. He completed his MA in Diplomatic Studies at Westminster University in 2002 and completed his PhD at Coventry University in 2011.